Is Phytoscience A Pyramid Scheme?

I recently interacted with a friend of mine with whom I was sharing the message of Phytoscience and he told me point blank that he was not interested because Phytoscience is no different from all the Pyramid Schemes that litter the terrestrial zone of the earth.

Though I am not new to this kind of reasoning, but his assertion hit me below the belt because he was supposed to be well informed.

So right before him, I went to and input the phrase - Pyramid scheme and this was what came out:

According to

“A pyramid scheme is a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products or services. As recruiting multiplies, recruiting becomes quickly impossible, and most members are unable to profit; as such, pyramid schemes are unsustainable and often illegal.”

Note the segment: “often illegal”. This suggests the grey area in the related laws. It’s easy to see why people get confused about this type of activity.

Also, from this same source i.e. Wikipedia:

“In a pyramid scheme an organization compels individuals to join and make a payment. In exchange, the organization promises its new members a share of the money taken from every additional member that they recruit.”

In this game, potential income is generated by recruiting others into the “program” who pay a fee to get in.

Then you receive a chunk of that fee per recruit, and all of their recruits, down many levels.

Nothing of actual value has been sold, (nothing that is ever retailed to the general public) yet you supposedly get paid for it and others get paid for it as they do the same thing, on and on.

When you are buying only the right to recruit others, you are involved in illegal activity.

The first warning sign is a requirement for you to pay a membership fee in order to join the network. Then, in order to have any success with it, you must convince others to pay for the same membership.

Sometimes a product or service of questionable value is involved.

As one example: If you are sold an ebook on how to make money online, then you discover that you must sell this ebook to others in order to make money, then they must do the same: drop it like a hot rock!

Another variation of “membership fee” is a “re-seller license” fee.

There is probably no actual legal requirement for this “license”. However, this is not necessarily illegal, just unethical.
The program requires you to risk everything while the program owners receive this profit whether you win or lose.

Other warning signs:
--Whenever you spend money and seem to get nothing in return for it.
--If the program copy claims that there is no selling involved, ever: where would your money come from? It is not legal for any entity to simply “give” you money.
--If some program promises to do everything for you, then what do they need you for?
--The thing being promoted is a “secret” and you can’t know what that is until you pay for “it”.

After visiting the and pointing out to him that Phytoscience cannot in any way be classified as a Pyramid Scheme because

a.       It is a Direct Sales Business in which Investors build their own personal businesses when they invest in the Business

b.      The Company has high quality Scientifically researched, Clinically proven, Cutting edge natural products made from plant stem cells and manufactured in Switzerland, which investors access once they have placed their investment.

c.       The Company does not only compensate investors with sponsor bonus, but also encourages them to detail the products for a retail bonus. Infact anyone who is serious enough with the Business can become a Millionaire in  Dollars within 6 months of detailing the products only without introducing one person

d.      The Company does not require anyone to pay membership fee or registration fee, only the sums as stated in the 4 Investment Packages available

e.       The investor bears little or no risk in investment because not only does the Company advance products worth more than the invested sum, but she has also gone ahead to issue a Product Insurance absorbing the investor of any untoward consequence of the use of her products by any consumer, so long as the product is sourced from the right channels  and a proof can be obtained that the untoward health condition is directly as a result of the use of the product

f.       Investing in Phytoscience Business Opportunity is neither an Employment nor a Franchise

From the above therefore, it is very clear that Phytoscience is far from being regarded as a Pyramid Scheme

And if you would like to know how to invest in Phytoscience, give us a call on +234818-991-5555

We would be willing to guide you aright

God bless you richly

Only Plant Stem Cell Products have the audacity to offer citizens of the world a #HopeForAllDiseases

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