Going Back To Our Roots!!

How many of you remember the story of creation?

It is recorded that in 5 days God created the Heavens and the Earth and all that there are in them and on the 6th day, He created man and placed him in the Garden of Eden in which He (God) had planted diverse kinds of trees and herbs and advised man to "tend the Garden"

In the world where the first man and the first woman lived, there were no sicknesses because they lived their lives in accordance with natural rules and principles.

They ate generous amounts of fruits and vegetables, they drank much water, they exercised a lot by using their limbs, and when any felt indisposed, they used natural herbs.

In that World, there were no medicines as we know them today, there were no capsules and tablets, no syrups and suspensions, no infusions and transfusions.

They lived naturally and they lived long on earth; infact one of the descendants of Adam called Methusaleh was said to have lived 969 years - can you imagine that? he saw his children's children up to the 32nd generation

Anthropologists and Scientists referred to that age as the "dark ages" because according to them, there was no civilization then.

And so civilization came, technology came and with them came diseases and untimely death.

Machines made man lazy!
He would sit at one spot and be operating the machine, he does not move around a lot again, this causes stagnation of blood flow and the pooling of blood in the lower limbs which gives rise to high blood pressure and predisposes to heart disease

Foods became processed in large quantities canned or bottled with preservatives and additives to help them last longer on the shelves. These chemicals go to destroy our body cells thus predisposing us to diseases and untimely death

We are no longer able to cook food thoroughly and enjoy chewing them while eating; we are always in a hurry and so we buy fast foods forgetting that fast foods lead to fast deaths

Sugared drinks took over water, as much as 10 cubes of sugar could be found in one bottle of carbonated water and men were drinking themselves to their death

They gave us alcohol to make us happy and the alcohol went ahead to destroy our livers, spleen and kidneys and men started dying from liver cirrhosis and kidney failure

All that civilization brought to us were things to hasten our death, no wonder that the average life span of man has been falling since 1900 when it was about 150 years and in Nigeria of today, any man that lives beyond 50 years has actually lived "long"

Don't you think, it's time we went back to our roots?

Certainly we may never go back to the "dark ages" as it were because this is the 21st Century and the "digital age" is here but we sure can go back to the dark ages in principle and reclaim our right to long life and good health by going NATURAL - being in tune with mother Nature.

And so today, I would like to present to you a Company that has taken the lead in going natural and giving to mankind products made from naturally grown plant stem cells and which are devoid of any preservatives or additives or any kind of chemicals that kill our cells, rather these products energize our cells even when they are tired to renew and regenerate themselves, thereby rejuvenating our bodies.

And the Company I am talking about is no other than PHYTOSCIENCE

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