How To Lose Weight

How to lose weight is one of the most pressing questions of the World today.

The answer is both simple and not so simple.

People lose weight by consuming less energy each day than they burn; it is straightforward mathematics.

However, the answer is also complicated because maintaining the numbers' discipline is not as easy as it may sound.

Some other factors are also involved in helping you lose weight, such as metabolism, hormones, the type of food you eat, your body type and lifestyle.

Most experts stress that physical activity is as important as dieting when people want to lose weight and to keep it off.

This article will look at the reasons to lose weight, the most effective methods and medical interventions.

Fast facts on losing weight

Here are some key points about losing weight. More detail and supporting information is in the main article.

*In basic terms, to lose weight you must burn off more calories than you consume
*Diets combined with exercise are much more effective
*Currently, more than one-third of Americans are obese
*A sedentary adult aged 31-50 should consume 2200-2400 calories or less, daily
*A diet needs to contain the right ratios of carbohydrate, protein and fat
*Crash diets may have short term results but are unlikely to be successful in the long run
*Sleeping for 7 or 8 hours a day may help with weight loss
*Bariatric surgery should be a last resort for obese patients.

People lose weight for many different reasons:

*Appearance - they want to look fitter, more attractive or healthier, or simply feel more confident in their bodies.

*Overall health - they want to become healthier, live longer, and avoid developing diseases associated with obesity and overweight

*For a specific condition or illness - obese people with sleep apnea who lose weight have less severe symptoms - sometimes the sleep apnea goes away completely.

Obese or overweight individuals with diabetes type 2 will usually have less severe symptoms if they can bring their weight down to healthy levels.

*Fitness - to become fitter, to have more energy and stamina
Sports competitions - a boxer, for example, may wish to lose weight so that he can remain within his weight category

*Fertility - obese women who are finding it hard to get pregnant sometimes are more likely to do so if they lose weight

*Negative Energy Balance - in order to lose weight you need to be exerting more energy than you are consuming; this is called a negative energy balance.

If you are in a state of negative energy balance, your body will seek out stores of energy, such as fat or muscle to make up for the shortfall - it will start using up your excess weight.

In extreme cases, however, when the individual has little fat, more muscle and lean tissue will be used up.

*Sports - some sportsmen and sportswomen will try to lose weight even though doctors would say their body weight is ideal. In some cases it might be to get better speeds or, as mentioned above, to be within a weight classification for a competition.

*Losing too much weight - if you become underweight, there are also certain health risks.

Your chances of developing infections might increase, there is a risk of osteoporosis, reduced muscle mass and strength, and problems regulating your body temperature.

There may even be a higher risk of death if your weight goes down a lot.

Controlling body weight

Body weight control is much more successful if you can combine a well-balanced diet with regular exercise. Crash diets may have positive short-term results but tend to have poor long-term success rates.

If you manage to sleep between 7-8 hours continuously each 24 hour period, your body weight control will be more successful. Sleep deprivation or lack of sleep can make you put on weight.

According to the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), after combining successful weight loss strategies of 6,000 individuals, the following measures should be taken to make sure you do not put the weight back on:

*Physical activity - do at least 200 minutes each week of moderate-intensity exercise.

This should be spread out over at least three days (do not do all the minutes in one go each week).

*Watching TV - limit your TV watching to no more than 10 hours each week.

Many people might find this recommendation particularly difficult to follow.

*Fat limit on diet - make sure that no more than 30% of your nutritional intake is in the form of fat.

*Eat consistently - resist the urge to overeat during weekends and holidays.

Your food intake should follow a regular routine.

Overeating not only upsets your routine, it most likely impacts on your metabolism.

*Breakfast - never miss it. Breakfast is a crucial meal; it also helps stave off hunger later on in the day, which often leads to overeating and snacking.

*Monitor yourself - keep a close check on what you eat and regularly weigh yourself.


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Source:     Medical News Today

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